Monday, May 15, 2006

The History Of Jenny X Part IV

Jenny has an over-under. Most of us in the 'average guy' world don't have an over-under. This is because we live in the normal places that people live, like cities and towns. If however, you live in B F New Hampshire you NEED an over-under. You need one because you have not one but two gun clubs within an easy drive of your house. Gun clubs are great because they allow you to shoot trap, skeet, indoor range, outdoor range and other types of shooting as well. This is where the over-under comes into play. You could go shooting with your hunting gun or something like it but then people might not think you are cool enough to be in their club, so you have a pretty Browning over-under. This is cool. For a little money you get to go shoot at unlimited clay pigeons thrown from a voice activated trap house and this helps you become a better shot when the ducks come by in the fall. Yep, Jenny has an over-under.Fred and I have it a little different. We drive an hour plus out to the back woods of Hood River. Then we take turns using the hand thrower to launch clay pigeons into the bursh while the other person tries to shoot them down. Sometimes other cars drive past in a cloud of dust and suspicion. Eventually we run out of clays and ammo and then it's time to drive back home. One time our truck almost died on the dusty back roads and we barely made it home. (Oh yea, Jenny has a Hemi Dodge too) Most importantly, neither of us have an over-under. So endeth the lesson of Jenny X.

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